
Kobe Gakuin University Library


D.H.ロレンス著 ; 吉村宏一[ほか] 訳 ; [I] 上, [I] 下, II. -- 山口書店, 1984. <TW00096630>
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HoldingsList 1-5 of about 5

No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID In-Lib only Status Due Date Reservation
0001 II Arise 本館4階書庫 934/LAW/F 901351645 帯出可 0items
0002 [I]上 Portisland 2階西 934/LAW/F 901351607 帯出可 0items
0003 [I]上 Arise 本館4階書庫 934/LAW/F 901351614 0items
0004 [I]下 Portisland 2階西 934/LAW/F 901351638 帯出可 0items
0005 [I]下 Arise 本館4階書庫 934/LAW/F 901351621 0items
No. 0001
Volumes II
Library Arise
Location 本館4階書庫
Call No 934/LAW/F
Material ID 901351645
In-Lib only 帯出可
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Volumes [I]上
Library Portisland
Location 2階西
Call No 934/LAW/F
Material ID 901351607
In-Lib only 帯出可
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0003
Volumes [I]上
Library Arise
Location 本館4階書庫
Call No 934/LAW/F
Material ID 901351614
In-Lib only
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0004
Volumes [I]下
Library Portisland
Location 2階西
Call No 934/LAW/F
Material ID 901351638
In-Lib only 帯出可
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0005
Volumes [I]下
Library Arise
Location 本館4階書庫
Call No 934/LAW/F
Material ID 901351621
In-Lib only
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 不死鳥 / D.H.ロレンス著 ; 吉村宏一[ほか] 訳
publication,distribution,etc.,area 京都 : 山口書店 , 1984-1992
physical description area 3冊 ; 22cm
Volume Information
volumes [I] 上
ISBN 484110089X
Volume Information
volumes [I] 下
ISBN 4841108114
Volume Information
volumes II
ISBN 4841108386
variant titles 原タイトル:Phoenix
variant titles 異なりアクセスタイトル:不死鳥
NCID BN01062927
text language code Japanese
author link Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930 <AU00001497>
author link 吉村, 宏一(1936-)||ヨシムラ, ヒロカズ <AU50057901> [ほか]訳
classification Essays. Prose NDC8:934
classification The Arts. Language. Literature NDLC:KS163