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戸嶋直樹, 金子正夫, 関根光雄著. -- 共立出版, 1990. -- (高分子新素材one point / 高分子学会編 ; 25). <TW60003139>
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No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID In-Lib only Status Due Date Reservation
0001 Portisland 3階西 431.9/TOS/K 900895072 帯出可 0items
No. 0001
Library Portisland
Location 3階西
Call No 431.9/TOS/K
Material ID 900895072
In-Lib only 帯出可
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Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 高分子錯体 / 戸嶋直樹, 金子正夫, 関根光雄著
コウブンシ サクタイ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 共立出版 , 1990.6
physical description area iv,117p ; 19cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4320042492
parent bibliography link 高分子新素材one point / 高分子学会編||コウブンシ シンソザイ one point <TW00103236> 25//a
NCID BN0481029X
text language code Japanese
author link 戸嶋, 直樹(1939-)||トシマ, ナオキ <AU60003852>
author link 金子, 正夫||カネコ, マサオ <AU60003863>
author link 関根, 光雄||セキネ, ミツオ <AU60003864>
classification Polymers. Plastics. Cellulose NDC8:578
classification Physical and theoretical chemistry NDC8:431.9
classification Science and technology NDLC:PA431
subject headings 高分子材料||コウブンシザイリョウ
subject headings 高分子化学||コウブンシカガク
subject headings 高分子化学||コウブンシカガク
subject headings 錯化合物||サクカゴウブツ