

The Political economy of policy-making : essays in honor of Will E. Mason

edited by Michael P. Dooley, Herbert M. Kaufman, Raymond E. Lombra ; foreword by Robert W. Clower ; : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 1979. -- (Comparative political economy and public policy series ; v. 4). <TY60031739>


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0001 pbk. 有瀬館 新館B2 G-L 333.0253/Pol 902967050 0件
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巻号 pbk.
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資料ID 902967050
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標題および責任表示 The Political economy of policy-making : essays in honor of Will E. Mason / edited by Michael P. Dooley, Herbert M. Kaufman, Raymond E. Lombra ; foreword by Robert W. Clower
出版・頒布事項 Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage Publications , c1979
形態事項 248 p. ; 22 cm
ISBN 0803912382
巻次等 : pbk
ISBN 0803912390
書誌構造リンク Comparative political economy and public policy series <TY00028220> v. 4//a
内容著作注記 Economic instability and stabilization policy: Lombra, R.E. Policy advice and policy-making. Weintraub, R.E. The Federal Reserve money supply roller coaster. Havrilesky, T.M. A theory of monetary instability. Humphrey, T.M. The persistence of inflati
内容著作注記 Equity and efficiency considerations and policy-making: Baumol, W.J. Pricing devices to aid the invisible hand. Kaufman, H.M. A study in conflicting goals. Kane, E.J. The three faces of commercial bank liability. Baker, C.C. The basis and practice of
内容著作注記 Policy making in an open economy: Dooley, M.P. Foreign exchange market intervention. Girton, L. and Roper, D. Substitutable monies and the monetary standard
注記 Includes bibliographies
学情ID BA20449183
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Mason, Will Edwin, 1912- <AU60052068>
著者標目リンク Dooley, Michael P. <AU60052069>
著者標目リンク Kaufman, Herbert M. <AU60052070>
著者標目リンク Lombra, Raymond E. <AU60052071>
分類標目 LCC:HC106.7
分類標目 DC:339.5/0973
件名標目等 United States -- Economic policy -- 1971-1981 -- Addresses, essays, lectures
件名標目等 Economic stabilization -- Addresses, essays, lectures